Wednesday 30 March 2016


Over the past month we have begun assessing our students writing using the e-asttle tool. Below are some of the trends and common next steps for the writers I teach.

Spiral of Inquiry

In 2016 at David Street School, we have embarked on a journey of discovery about our students, our pedagogy and how we teach in relation to the core curriculum area of Writing. The inquiry tool we will be using is the Spiral of Inquiry which looks like this.

The idea is that we investigate into our students learning in writing and look for their beliefs, behaviours and outcomes while learning how to write. From this we develop hunches about key points of actionable changes to the way they learn and we teach. The onus is then on ourselves as teachers to improve and adapt to hopefully make a difference to their learning to accelerate growth.

The thing I like most about any inquiry model is that taking a risk is good and mistakes are acceptable. The important thing is that the students needs are at the heart of this inquiry cycle.